The death of terrorist Osama Bin Laden

>> Tuesday, May 3, 2011

End - this end we were surprised by news of the arrest of the terrorist leader's number one world. Stories dirillis American newspaper that Osama was killed and his body was thrown from the shore. It is making people feel relieved world. To ensure that the dead body of Osama Bin Laden must adalag dilakukkan DNA tests on samples of victims say the same with the terrorists.
The following excerpt from the washington news No decision has been made whether to release the photos and if so, when and how.

Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces Monday in a raid at a house in Abbottabad, about 50 kilometers (31 miles) north of the Pakistani capital Islamabad, U.S. officials said.

Four other people were also killed in the complex. One is the adult son of bin Laden, and another one is a woman used as shield by a male fighter, officials said.

Bin Laden's body and then buried at sea, an official said another. Many Muslims adhere to the belief that the body should be buried in one day. But the Americans decided to sea because menganmggap no countries willing to accommodate and buried.

Officials did not release additional details about the funeral, but said it was handled in accordance with Muslim customs.

The death of the founder and leader of al Qaeda came after 10 years of being hunted, that after September 11, 2001, attacks that killed about 3,000 people.

In a speech intended for the American people on Sunday (1 / 2), U.S. President Barack Obama called bin Laden's death is "the most significant achievement to date in our nation's efforts to defeat al Qaeda."

"Today, as dictated by me, the United States launched an operation aimed at Abbottabad, Pakistan," Obama said. "A small team of Americans perform operations with extraordinary courage."

"After a firefight, they kill Osama bin Laden and bring him."

A source at the congress which is close to the team that performed the operation, told CNN said Osama bin Laden was shot in the head.

The killing bin Laden is the culmination of years of intelligence work and months after a particular lead, senior U.S. government official said.

According to senior government officials, intelligence early 2011 succeeded in stalking Osama courier who approached a complex.

Top info, President Obama lead five National Security Council meeting since mid-March to late April, with the latter two on 19 April and 28 April - Thursday.

On Friday morning - even when he visited the tornado-stricken areas of Alabama - Obama gave the order for the mission, officials said.

Obama senior government officials believe the headquarters was built five years ago for a special purpose in hiding bin Laden.

One of the residents in the city of Lahore said on Monday he was surprised to hear bin Laden was in the country. "But is it really him?" She said

Keywords: terrorist, Osama bin Laden, american, washington, state president obama, tornadoes, Lahore cnn, seo, technology, congress, April, shooting Osama

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