Concept Home

>> Thursday, March 31, 2011

In our house membanngu must consider several things for the desired results can be achieved:
1. House type (size), such as traditional, modern or natural
2. The content and architecture
3. motif
4. Proper construction
5. serkulasi good air and healthy
With good planning, it will be achieved occupancy comfortable and beautiful as we want, greetings


Design living room

Motif design family room this time is white, with the arrangement of components of a minimalist sofas and tables and elegant screen lcd tv with floors of teak and is in finishing with brown bark color. Hopefully next inspiration may be useful for all, Greetings


Type Houses Italy

>> Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Here's an example - an example house italy nation. Where is the architectural design of houses in dominisasi with Limasan shaped roof and walls towering 
1. Type House conical 

 2. House & Lot near SM Molino for Rent To Own

3. Material requirements 

4. Picture of the dining room

5.  Picture of the dining room two

6. Picture bedroom child
 7. Picture bedroom family
Thus the example picture italian home nation can hopefully become a reference in building our homes. Greeting


House Minimalist Family

 This picture following the front display that combines with minimalist house wall motifs natural. Today many requests for this kind of house built.


How to create a database application with senayan Library

Create a database "senayan" in MySQL. You can use the command-line tools or PhpMyAdmin.

If using a command-line, log into the mysql interface (with a user who has the right to create databases) first:
shell> mysql-u root-p

Then type in your mysql password. After successful login, type:
mysql> CREATE DATABASE senayan;

Senayan To see if the database has been created, type:

Exit from mysql interface by typing:
mysql> QUIT

When using phpMyAdmin, after login, type the name of the database to be created in the Create new database column. Then click Create.


Building a Digital Library with ease

>> Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Terms include:

  1. The existence of the program flow design
  2. The existence of the webserver, for example: iis, xampp, appserv and others - others.
  3. Senayan most recent application
  4. Implementation of programming.

Yesterday when I attended a seminar at Univercity Gajah Mada. I was given information to build digital library. My friend al-kahf give an example of using open source applications senayan of Events Calendar of Indonesia. Then I tried to build it. was very easy because the module - the module in it already complex with the needs of libraries in general, instead of barkot facilities.

For friends - friends who are interested can download


IIS with PHP

>> Monday, March 28, 2011

If we install using xampp or something like that already include php, but for us install iis process, we first download select the latest version for better security.  Then create a new folder in the directory and then extract wwroot . Then find "php.ini-recomended" file in the":\php" folder.  Copy the file to ":Windows" folder and rename to "php.ini".  

Configurasi Application PHP
First open the file :"\Windows\php.ini"  change max_execution = 30 be 60, or change it to folder system 
Sampel doc_root="c\Inetpub\wwwroot"


Install IIS for win XP Profesional

First we prepare cd windows xp, then we run the control panel select add and removed the program. click the add removed components of the check iis , then click until finished.

Click  localhost from browser by sampel is :



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